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Showing posts from August, 2014

Review Mustika Ratu "Simply Stay"

Seminggu yang lalu,  Mustika Ratu  mengirimkan paket untukku berupa rangkaian makeup terbaru mereka yang bernama  Simply Stay . Konsep produk simply stay ini adalah  basic makeup  yang praktis, tahan lama, dan berkelas tetapi tersedia dalam harga terjangkau. Konsep yang menarik, terutama untuk kalangan mahasiswi sepertiku, untuk wanita karier dengan kesibukan tinggi yang butuh makeup praktis, juga untuk ibu rumah tangga yang ingin dandanan serba simpel. Sebelumnya, aku hanya menggunakan produk Skin Care dan Body Care Mustika Ratu, belum tertarik mencoba lini makeup mereka. Tetapi, melihat statemen resmi Mustika Ratu bahwa rangkaian Simply Stay bisa  tahan hingga 8 jam , aku langsung tertarik ingin mencoba. Akankan produk-produk ini bertahan di wajahku yang kombinasi cenderung berminyak? Simak terus ya.. Rangkaian produk Simply Stay terdiri dari (1) moisturizer atau pelembab, (2) liquid foundation , (3) stick foundation , (4) two way cake , d...

Why do I Blog? + Introducing to My New Layout

My First Blog I remember the first blog that I made is about Harry Potter. It was around 2009, and back then I hate it to death. That blog is a school task and I don't really care about technology at that time, when I was in senior High School, so I hated it. As a school task, of course the prettier the blog, the better score that I got. But, I clearly remember that my blog, which I don't remember (and I won't remember) the url, is only full of naration. No pictures, nothing. Well, actually I kinda remember it (the url) but I think Google deleted it because there's no update for so long. Why do I Blog and What do I Get? Seriously, this is a very personal matter. To be honest with you, I love blogging because of so many reasons. First thing first, I love to write, both in Bahasa and English. I love to write since I was in elementary school, and back then I wrote a little scrap of a novel. I don't really show my work to anybody until I was in High School ...