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Showing posts from October, 2014

Graduation: Surprise Attempt Failed

Goodbye is a strange word. Same with graduation. You know it means something comes to an end, but it also means that another door being open for you to get through. Dulur Sak Modare means 'Friend till We Died'. It's a name that given to 12th generation of Steering Committee of UKM Pendidikan dan Penalaran. Today, 17 of 23 members of Dulur Sak Modare are graduating. It's a beautiful day for graduation party. But gather at around 12 AM, the weather is a bit hot.

Oriflame Daily Hand Cream Review {Bilingual}

You may notice that I always take a while to get back to blogging live. I do love blogging, I just tend to take a breather every now and then to take a photos and writing articles that I satisfied with. I'm not the kind of person who like to do a lot of things without much think of it. I always think how to make a good blog post. But unfortunately, it takes longer time than it actually needed to. Haha. But I will do more blogpost this month, I promise :-) Teman-teman mungkin merasa bahwa aku selalu butuh waktu lama untuk kembali aktif di blog. Aku selalu menunggu hingga foto produk dan artikel yang aku posting benar-benar oke. Aku adalah tipe orang yang lebih suka berlama-lama mengerjakan sesuatu tetapi hasilnya memuaskan (bagiku) ketimbang bergerak cepat, hasil banyak, tapi asal-asalan. Sayangnya, aku kadang terbuai dan bekerja terlalu lamban. Haha. Tapi aku janji aku akan menulis lebih banyak bulan ini :-)