Monday 4/01/2016 Yesterday I've found an RPUL made by Indonesian KIST alumni. There are many things I learned from it especially about time management. I need to contact KIST professor soon because 1 alumnus said that I have to contact them at least 3 to 4 months before admission deadline, which is April I believe (update: it's March). But before that, I have to make sure that I'm ready in terms of research topic etc. Today I read few journals related to 3D contents and I get to know some professors in 3D and virtual lab. I'm still not a 100% sure about my topic, but at the moment I'm more interested in virtual world. I hope the best will work out. I got ayat nice things, nikmat? Or things like that. I hope Allah always help me. Tuesday 5/01/2016 While I help my mom's thesis, I decided to start to write the letter for professor. I'm so nervous >.< I hope the best will work out. Ah, and last night I've found out that KAIST is at fir...
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