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Student Exchange with Republic Polytechnic of Singapore #2

Student Exchange Program:
State Polytechnic of Malang with Republic Polytechnic of Singapore

If you read my latest blog post about student exchange program with RP, you'll know that 24 students of State Polytechnic of Malang, including me, will get selected again down to top 18. Well, it's now time to see the result :-)

Today, all of the candidates been told to go to certain room in the basement of our building. Once we all get there, the lecturers said that they'll start to mention the name of the candidate that made to go, one by one. When the list is getting nearer to an end, and I didn't hear my name being called, I become very depressed. I even whispered to one of my girl friend, "Looks like I didn't make it.." :'(

But then, miraculously I heard my name being called, at the very end of the list. And Oh My God, there was a big twist in my mood, from depressed into deeply touched. I nearly cry at the moment, but no :-P

So that is it. That's how we're all 18 going to Singapore at March 17th 2014. That's how we're end up making our own passport. That's how we begin to get to know each other more. And all of that, was a lot of fun and I can't describe how grateful I was.

So, let's end this touchy blog post here or I may start to cry. Haha, no, not really, don't worry :-D PS: here is the sneak peak of my passport photo and I hate it because I don't really like my forehead -_-

Hopefully you enjoy this post and I'll see you all again soon in my next blog post. Love ya ^_^

~ ♥ ~


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